Linux mtype命令
mtype [-st][文件]
- -s 去除8位字符码集的第一个位,使它兼容于7位的ASCII。
- -t 将MS-DOS文本文件中的"换行+光标移至行首"字符转换成Linux的换行字符。
打开名为dos.txt 的MS-DOS文件可使用如下命令:
mtype dos.txt #打开MS-DOS 文件
$ mtype dos.txt #打开MS-DOS 文件 Linux networks are becoming more and more common, but security is often an overlooked issue. Unfortunately, in today’s environment all networks are potential hacker targets, from top-secret military research networks to small home LANs. Linux Network Securty focuses on securing Linux in a networked environment, where the security of the entire network needs to be considered rather than just isolated machines. It uses a mix of theory and practicl techniques to teach administrators how to install and use security applications, as well as how the applcations work and why they are necessary.